Thursday, September 16, 2010

www Dot youtube Dot com Forward Slash etalutargnoc

     I've Officially decided to start every blog with, "Hello, how is everybody doing?"  My mom says it's impolite to start talking to someone without saying hello 1st!

     My main objective of this blog is to introduce my YouTube Channel to everyone.  I'm not going to give you the address until the end of this blog :) The previous sentence is for the people that want to get strait to the point. 

     I began setting up my channel and working on the background layout approx. 1 month ago.  I’ve been Blessed to have 799 Channel Views yr 2 date.  If you have a YouTube Channel please send me a Friend invite!  I appreciate you taking time to read B.Glenn Bloggn and for supporting INMYHEART Ministries.

My YouTube Channel is
God Bless you all!