Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank you for viewing my recently formatted blog.  Just like with any new program/site navigation system, I have to continue studying Blogger's site settings.

     I honestly didn't plan to Blog everyday.  I thought I could set up one blog and keep the same page up for as long as I want too.  Yes, I can do it, but the blog will become out-dated after a few days due to the date & time settings. These settings are very important and that's one reason I chose to use Blogger instead of the Blog program I was initially using.  I've grown to respect the blogging proccess.   I'm not saying I will blog everyday from this day forward, but I give you my word I will sincerely express whats on my mind/heart in each blog.

     Please know I'm not trying to sound  technical, its my Web/Graphic Design background.  Poetically speaking, I don't like to read poems that require me to look up almost every other word.  I believe the reader of a poem should be able too at least have an idea of what the poet is trying to express!

      I truly appreciate you taking time to review my blog entries.  I look forward to reading and responding to  your comment/s.  Have a productive day!  God Bless you all in Jesus Christ Holy name I pray, Amen.

 Please pray for me and my family also :)  B.Glenn