Wednesday, September 1, 2010

MONEY vs Happines & Joy

Hello Everybody!

     Yesterday, I was talking to my mom about the affect having allot of money
has on a persons happiness/joy.  I told my mom I don't believe the amount of money
a person has can dictate the overall happiness of a persons' life.

     I agree the more money a person has the more things he or she can purchase & do to bring forth  the happy emotion.  As children we set our hearts on obtaining specific toys (Forms of entertainment) and when we loose interst in them our focus goes on getting the next new thing that will give us a happy feeling.  If you think about it, our mentality doesn't change as adults .  We just grow to understand what it takes to get the material things we want in our lives.

     I told my mom, personally I believe the best thing about having allot of money is being in the position to help more people in need, financially.  We both agree it's a greater feeling to help someone in need (Impacting lives) than it is to get a new toy that becomes old once inerest is gone.  B.Glenn